Simple Green Juice

Juice! I love green juice. After I switched to eating organic foods, I also started juicing. I bought an inexpensive juicer on amazon and started buying lots of organic veggies. Juice is now something that I crave and I can always tell the difference in how I feel and how my skin looks, afterward.

Juicing removes the water and nutrients from the veggies and turns them into juice. It's an easy way to get lots of nutrients into your body very quickly. For example, this simple juice includes kale, cucumber, celery, and lemon, all in an amount that I probably couldn’t eat in one sitting. Since there are so many veggies included in this one cup of juice it yields the highest amount of nutrients. For me, when I’m not feeling well or just need a boost of energy, juice is the way to go.

Kale is highly nutrient dense, meaning it has a high level of nutrients. It contains vitamins A, K, C and B6, potassium, calcium, copper and manganese. Studies have shown that kale juice helps to reduce the risk of cancer, the vitamin K and calcium helps to strengthen your bones and the vitamin C boosts your immune system. The antioxidants inside kale juice help to reduce aging and keep skin clean and clear.

Cucumber contains vitamin A, C and K, potassium, magnesium and manganese along with antioxidants. It also promotes hydration because it is about 96% water, which in turn can promote skin health and help your body to function properly. Studies have also shown that the vitamin C in cucumbers helps to boost your immune system, the magnesium can help to regulate blood pressure and the vitamin A can promote eye health.

Celery also has a high water content and contains vitamins C, A and K along with the nutrients folate, potassium and calcium. It’s antioxidant levels are very high and can help to reduce inflammation and prevent cancer. Many people swear by it to keep their skin clear and improve digestion.

Recipe notes

One thing I wanted to point out is that this green juice does not contain any fruit. I try not to juice fruit because of the high sugar content. When you eat a piece of fruit you are also eating the fiber which helps your body to process the sugar slower but when the fruit is juiced much of the fiber is removed, leaving the sugar. This can lead to glucose spikes which can be detrimental to your health. With that being said, if you feel like you need to ease into drinking a green juice, adding half a green apple can sweeten it up a bit, making it more palatable. My advice would be to start with the addition of half an apple. Then each time you juice, add less and less apple, to help your taste buds adjust.

Yield: 1 cup
Simple Green Juice

Simple Green Juice

This green juice is jam packed with nutrients and easy to make.


  • 1 handful chopped kale, about a cup
  • 4 celery stalks
  • 1/2 a cucumber
  • 1 tablespoon fresh squeezed lemon juice


  1. Run each ingredient through a juicer.
  2. Pour the green juice into a cup and squeeze fresh lemon juice over top.
  3. Drink immediately and enjoy!
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